The Ultimate Guide To bark collar small dog

Getting a dog to stop barking is very stressful for every suburban canine owner - especially if you live in a city where ordinances fine dog owners who do not control their dog's excessive barking. If you live in a metropolitan area like Yreka, CA, expect to pay fines of $50 or more for a first offense and upwards to $500 for continued problem barkers.

That's a big problem.

Let's face it, you're reading this article because its stressful having neighbors complain about your dog. Also, you might be a little angry because government rules control so much of your daily life.

So you search for solutions.

You will find everyone has an opinion on how you get your dog to stop barking. The helpful advice will range from 'dogs are territorial and he's just establishing his dominance and being the guardian protecting your family' to 'you simply need to exercise the dog and the barking will stop' or 'you need to learn clicker training so your dog will listen to you'.

All helpful advice, but you have to work 40 to 60 hours a week, raise your kids and handle the "honey do" list your wife leaves you every morning.

So the Internet search continues and you run across the idea of a bark control collar. Simple, just put the collar on the dog's neck and let technology take care of the problem for you.

"Great, where's the credit card" you say to yourself.

Hang on just a second before you get too excited - you are about to step on a societal issue that will get people barking at you faster than you will ever believe.

Trust me.

Everyone will share their opinions about dog barking collars with a great deal of passion. So before you go shopping for your own bark control collar you should know the pros and cons of what you're getting into.

Dog Bark Collar Pros:

Variety of devices: There are three type of bark controllers (i.e. Ultra Sonic, Citronella and Static). Ultra Sonic bark collars use sound waves to manipulate your dogs behavior. Whenever the dog starts to bark a sound, that is undetectable to the human ear, is emitted from the collar and the dog stops barking. A Citronella bark control collar is designed to emit a spray that causes the dog to stop barking. Finally, Static collars stimulates the dog's voice box with pulses, when the dog feels the vibration it will stop barking.

Targeted training: Bark control collars are not designed for continuous use. It is better to use them for specific behavior changes. For example, if there is a window of time where family members are not home and the dog barks continuously; a dog control collar could be used to control the barking. Simply put the device on before leaving and remove it when returning home.

Safety Features: Higher-end bark collars have features designed to protect dogs of any size. You will find some leash and collars have multiple level settings based on how long the dog barks. Also, most have built-in turn off settings if the dog barks for an extended period of time. Remote controls are also a great feature if you want to set the collar at a distance.

Dog Bark Collar Cons:

The great bark control collar humane vs. inhumane debate: Pet owners are very passionate people and they love their animals. collar This is true of dog owners as well. For the most part, we all want what's best for our dogs. So the thought of putting a bark correcting collar raises a lot of concern for some folks. This concern is valid. Some people will abuse the technology and not really care about the safety of their dog. Simply don't be part of this group. If you decide to go this route learn how to use the collar and only use it when appropriate (i.e. specific behavior changes).

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Cost: Bark collars range in price points from $25 to over $200. Most quality collars will set you back $50 to $100. Collars with special features like remote control cost around $150. Also, if you choose to go the Citronella bark collar route you will need to replace the spray canisters which cost around $10 per can.

Limited Effectiveness: On some dogs the bark collar works initially and then over a period of time the effectiveness goes away. This happens mostly with the Citronella bark collar, where the dog become accustomed to the spray and continues to bark any way.